On this auspicious day, it is important for all of us to honor the essence of the Constitution as the supreme and foundational document of our country. The Constitution should serve as a true guarantee of the interests of the entire society and ensure equal freedoms for every individual. It must act as a solid foundation for governance, ensuring equality of rights, justice, and respect for citizens’ rights.
If the Constitution is used not as a document of justice and the common good, but for the purpose of maintaining the power of a particular group or the Rahmonov family, it can diminish its value and weaken public trust. Amendments to the Constitution should only occur with the consent of the people and for the welfare of all, not for the benefit of a select few. Only under such conditions can the Constitution act not only as a legal document but as the very spirit of the nation.
Respect for the Constitution and adherence to it is essential for the advancement and prosperity of society. Its position must remain unchanged so that the people feel secure in an environment of justice, and the state acts as the guarantor of citizens’ rights. Only under these conditions can we achieve a bright and progressive future.
With respect,
Tajik Youth for the Revival of Tajikistan